Scroll down to learn how this interactive story was created.


Custom illustrated interactive videos grab people’s attention with their emotional impact, powerful graphics, and unique style. I work with a variety of professional illustrators and can help you find the perfect illustration style for your needs.



Business Problem: My client, EmC Leaders, wanted to increase sales for their online emotional intelligence Master Class. They asked me to create a compelling interactive video that would engage potential customers and introduce them to the EmC process.

The Solution: I created a custom illustrated interactive video called Workplace War Zone. During the video, people must choose between traditional responses and empathetic responses. This helps them become more open to exploring additional EmC resources.

The player will reach one of three alternate endings depending on the choices they make. They will see adaptive constructive feedback based on their choices.

At the end of the interactive video, potential customer are invited to enter their email and download a free guide called Five Ways to Boost Your Emotional Intelligence. This enters them into a sales funnel that leads purchasing the EmC Master Class.

Software Platform: This interactive video was developed in Storyline 360.

Story Overview:

Steve’s workplace is a war zone: he manages a team of superstars who are constantly arguing. The decisions you make as a player will determine how the story ends. Can you help Steve lead his team and save the project from disaster? Or will Steve be fired when the team project crashes and burns?


Live Interactive Video


Storyline Characters